50 Words of Life Motivation
for the Future Cultivate
Bright Minds to Spirit

Words of motivation to live for the future can be read as encouragement in reaching goals and dreams. In living life there are times when we feel pessimistic about achieving our goals and dreams.

Life's trials that hit sometimes make you worry about what will happen in the future. For that, reading motivational words is expected to make you enthusiastic and inspired so you don't give up easily with various obstacles in front of your eyes.

With positive thinking and keep trying all dreams and ideals will be achieved.
Summarized from various sources, here are 50 motivational words for the future to lift and stabilize your spirit.

Motivational Words of Life for the Future :

1. “A great life begins with a big dream.” 
2. “Look up to be inspired, look down to be grateful.”
3. “See challenges as tests and see problems as rebukes.”
4. "There is no failure, there is only success or need to learn again to succeed."
5. “A thousand words and knowledge are meaningless without one real action.”
6. “The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life.”
7. “Miracle is real to those who believe in surrender and work hard.”
8. “Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”
9. “An ounce of action is as valuable as a ton of theory.”
10. “Win ​​or lose do it honestly.”

Words of Life Motivation for the Future Cultivate Bright Thoughts :

11. “Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions
12. “Success starts from every challenge, not from comfort zone.”
13. “Work hard, dream bigger and be the best.”
14. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with small steps.”
15. “The champion believes in himself even when others don't.”
16. “The reality of your life is a description of your soul and mind.”
17. “There is something more important than failure, which is to be grateful for what you have.”
18. “Failure is not there to be feared, but to be learned.”
19. “Your best teacher is the last mistake you make.”
20. “If today is perfect, then what is the meaning of tomorrow.”

Life Motivational Words for the Future Make Enthusiasm :

21. “Doubt is close to failure.”
22. “Learn to enjoy what you have, it will make your life more valuable.”
23. “It is through hardship that man learns, it is through comfort that man is complacent.”
24. “Speak enough, do as much as you can. Don't do otherwise."
25. “Nothing fails, they just quit too soon.”
26. “There are no shortcuts that can get you where you mean to go.”
27. “With mediocre talent and extraordinary endurance, anything is possible.”
28. “The measure of your success depends on the size of your belief.”
29. “Laziness is the victory of the present and the defeat of the future.”
30. “Smart people are ordinary, great people are extraordinary, but brave people win.”

Life Motivational Words for the Future, Achieve Your Dreams :

31. “Hard work and smart work can ensure success and alms can make it easier.”
32. “Difficulty is the best rain to show your true qualities.”
33. “Don't be afraid to face the future, face it and fight for it.”
34. “The biggest failure is not daring to try.”
35. “Discipline is not easy, but without discipline your life will be much more difficult.”
36. “Work sincerely because working without coercion will give maximum results.”
37. “Don't let your dreams be colonized by other people's opinions.”
38. “Complaining is the other side of a waste, a waste of time and energy.”
39. “Toughness is a sign of success.”
40. “If you want big results, don't just do easy things.”

Words of Life Motivation for Other Future :

41. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln
42. “If I can't do great things. I can do small things in extraordinary ways. – Martin Luther King Jr.
43. “Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Don't be discouraged if you fail a few times." - Napoleon Hill
44. “People often say that motivation doesn't last long. Well, so is a shower. That's why we recommend it every day." - Zig Ziglar
45. “If you think you are too small to make a change, try sleeping with a mosquito.” - Dalai Lama
46. ​​“Do your job with all your heart. Then you will be successful.” - Elbert Hubbard 47. “Life is simple, but we make it complicated.” - Confucius
48. “Don't give up, you're already in pain. Keep getting results." - Eric Thomas
49. “Quality is not an act. It's just a habit." - Aristotle
50. “Do something that will make your future self thank you today.” - Sean Patrick Flanery

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